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*LEO* 24.10.2005 16:23


Сообщение от renaissance
Some points of interest (not only mine).

How will we learn correct произношение?
На что мы будем опираться в нашем изучении, на классику либо на общеупотребимый вариант?

Glad you asked.
I guess it depends on what kind of english you want to learn.
And that's getting us to my favorite subject on that matter - books.

Reading books is the one and the only way to learn both classic english, and slang (so-called "slanguage"). It depends on the book.

For example - I honestly recomend a book by Sallenger "The catcher in the rye" ("Над пропастью во ржи").
It gives you a good deal of "street" language, and there is nothing wrong in a street language. You're actually understand it better than the one they use in most literature, it's great for learning.

Glad (глэд) - радоваться
depends (депендз)- зависит
matter (мэттеr) - вещество, материал, сущьность, предмет (обсуждения), дело; "what is the matter?" - "что случилось?"
honestly (онестли)- честно, искренне.("h" в начале слова почти не произносится)
use (юз)- использовать, употре*****. ( а так же: польза, обыкновение,цель, назначение)

*LEO* 24.10.2005 16:28

sasha21k, pusok, "Help me!" is good for drowning people shouting. :lol:

Please, specify, what do you need us to help you with?
How do you prefer to learn a new language (well, maybe not so new, but difficult :-D ).

I suggest you to talk to us a bit, to read us at least. It will definately help you.

if you have some particular question - ask me while I'm still here!..
(Joking - I'll always be here to help you. :wink: )

drowning (драунин) - тонуть, а так же топить. :lol: ;
сочетание букв "ng" произносится как "н" как бы через нос, нет явного "г".
shouting - (шаутин) - кричать; в некоторых случаях сочетание букв "ou" произносится как "ау".
specify - (спесифай) - точно определять.
prefer- (пrефёr) - предпочитать

*LEO* 24.10.2005 16:31


Сообщение от refdr8
What do you think about Murphy's grammar in use lessons here? i've got this book. step by step to a hill.

Sorry, man, don't know what is Murphy's grammar. Learned mine at school. Maybe it's the reason why it's so poor. :lol:

You've got this book - would you recomend it yourself?


mine (майн) - абсолютная форма, не употре***** атрибутивно!
мой, принадлежащий мне.
Обратите внимание на это:
Есть так же:
mine - мина, и mine - рудник, копи;
(например, "Moria mines" во "Властелине колец", помните, где Гэндальф "сгинул"?)

И пишется и произносится одинаково.
Как различить? По контексту.

renaissance 24.10.2005 16:45

practice, practice and one more time practice!!!!
In practice we'll win, in practice we'll survive!!

What about some lessons?..

*LEO* 24.10.2005 16:50


Сообщение от renaissance
What about some lessons?..

No problem! Come by! :lol:

How do you imagine a lesson on the net? :mrgreen:
I'll be glad to help you. I just don't know how :cry:

But I'll try anyway, that's what I'm here for, am I?

sasha21k 24.10.2005 16:59

It was just a joke :-D cause when somebody says: Let's speak english! -it brings to my mind the phrase of Danila Bagrov from really good movie Brat 2

*LEO* 24.10.2005 17:02

sasha21k, Yeah, I remember. :lol: Great movie, great scene. :|

*LEO* 24.10.2005 17:08

Guys, about audio lessons - here is one link I found in the topic near by.
Учим английский

angelao 24.10.2005 18:01

курс английского языка-Learn english!

angelao 24.10.2005 18:07

английский для всех - study english

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