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-   -   Lets speak English (Английский клуб) (http://friends-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17187)

*LEO* 24.10.2005 14:37

Lets speak English (Английский клуб)
Данная тема посвящена одному из самых популярномых языков мира. :lol:

В последнее время многие форумчане интересуются изучением английского языка.
И тогда одному из модераторов этого раздела (Flik) пришла в голову светлая идея - открыть свой английский клуб в форуме.
Второй модератор (leon 125) восторженно поддержал.
А я - с боку притусовалась.

Здесь вы можете общаться на английском, делиться опытом изучения языка, давать информацию о любых вспомогательных программах и системах обучения.

Но запомните, самое главное - общаться на том языке, который вы хотите выучить; в этом, главным образом, и состоит идея этой темы.

(Напомню, что для общения на русском есть другие, более подходящие темы, поэтому - Speak English, please! :| )

Строго запрещается использовать грубые выражения, способные задеть другую личность, в том числе мат.
Напрочь запрещены оскорбления и рассизм, причем на любом языке вышеуказанное будет восприниматься как нарушение правил Форума.
Такие посты будут удаляться модераторами без всяких обьяснений!
А сам автор будет наказан в соответствии с правилами форума!

Начнем? :wink:


This topic is dedicated to one of the most popular languages in the world.

Lately many of Forum's users became very interested in learning English.
Then one of Moderators of this partition (Flik) came up with a great idea - to open our own English club in our Forum.
The other Moderator (leon123) sustained gladly.
And I've just... you know... came by.

Here you can talk in English, share your experiences in learning this language; give information about any programmes or learning-systems you found useful.

But remember, the main issue here - talking in the very same language you're learning; this, mostly, is the main idea here.

(Let me remind you, that for Russian chatting we have other spaces in our Forum, so - Speak English, please!)

It's highly forbidden to use any rude words, capable of offending another, including curses.
Offencive language, rasism and such - in any language at all - will be concidered as breaking Forum rules.
Those posts will be erased immideately without any explanation by moderators of this topic!
Their author will be punished accordingly.

Shall we start? :wink:

Mice 24.10.2005 15:14

:oops: :oops: :oops:
I want to study. Help me, please.
:oops: :oops: :oops:
Sorry for my English.

*LEO* 24.10.2005 15:18

Mice, Happy to hear from you!
I knew you would come, but never immagined you'll come first! :-D

Vp 24.10.2005 15:20

Я знаю не много толко из высшей школы
Revolution o'clock :mrgreen:

*LEO* 24.10.2005 15:22

Vp, ok, I shall be as a nasty English teacher at your school:
"English, please!":73: :lol:

Vp 24.10.2005 15:25

Yes , my teacher is the BEST :mrgreen:

leon125 24.10.2005 15:26

Hi everybody! Learn english here and now!
butterfly, good luck! :-)

Mariukas 24.10.2005 15:28

Well, this is a good possibility to start speak English.
As well, we can solve another problems ,here in this topic, in English. :-)
For example , if You have any problem with the hardware or software or anything else ....please explain it and we we try to solve it or just find another solution!
Good Luck! :lol:

Mice 24.10.2005 15:29

butterfly, если я правильно понял, ты знала, что я здесь объявлюсь, но не представляла что именно я буду первым? Правильно?

But I very, very need study English. I'm ready.

*LEO* 24.10.2005 15:31

leon125, Thanks. You're the best promoter. :-D Good luck for all of us! :|

Vp, see, your english is not too bad :lol:

1. тот, кто способствует чему либо,
2. покровитель
3. подстрекатель :lol:

Mariukas 24.10.2005 15:32


Сообщение от Mice
butterfly, если я правильно понял, ты знала, что я здесь объявлюсь, но не представляла что именно я буду первым? Правильно?

But I very, very need study English. I'm ready.

If You are ready, please tell us a short story about Yourself..... :wink:

fantaghiro78 24.10.2005 15:32

very, very nice :-)

Mariukas 24.10.2005 15:35

wow, how nice to c all of u here.... :lol:

Mice 24.10.2005 15:39

Mariukas, :oops: what I make tell about me...

I dont remember a words.

*LEO* 24.10.2005 15:39

ok, you guys, chat here for a bit. I'll go take my dog out, and be right back. :-)

Mice 24.10.2005 15:40

Mariukas, please dont use sleng.

NightSpirit 24.10.2005 15:40

I wonder, how many users understand what's going in here. :-)

Mice 24.10.2005 15:41

butterfly, I wait for you.

Mariukas 24.10.2005 15:43


Сообщение от Mice
Mariukas, :oops: what I make tell about me...

I dont remember a words.

OK, let's start together. First of all, You should tell us Your name and then who are You and what are You doing. I mean what is Your job and etc.
As well You can tell us how old are You and a short story about Your wife.... ;-)

renaissance 24.10.2005 15:44

Thank you for possibility.
But I think it would be very difficult to learn a corect version of English language.
For example, I write as I Think It must be right. But may be it's all wrong!!!
Who is our great Guru, who can give to us The language of Shakespeare, Byron, Galsworthy etc ??

And from which point I must start? From grammar or basic vocabulary?

Mariukas 24.10.2005 15:44


Сообщение от Mice
Mariukas, please dont use sleng.

Which kind of sleng dear? Please refer. :oops:

sasha21k 24.10.2005 15:45

Ben! Eto Danila! I need help!

pusok 24.10.2005 15:48

Help me,нelp me!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :cry:

Mariukas 24.10.2005 15:49


Сообщение от sasha21k
Ben! Eto Danila! I need help!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Mariukas 24.10.2005 15:50


Сообщение от pusok
Help me,нelp me!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :cry:

May I help You?

renaissance 24.10.2005 15:50

Some points of interest (not only mine).

How will we learn correct произношение?
На что мы будем опираться в нашем изучении, на классику либо на общеупотребимый вариант?

*LEO* 24.10.2005 16:03


Сообщение от renaissance
Thank you for possibility.
But I think it would be very difficult to learn a corect version of English language.
For example, I write as I Think It must be right. But may be it's all wrong!!!
Who is our great Guru, who can give to us The language of Shakespeare, Byron, Galsworthy etc ??

And from which point I must start? From grammar or basic vocabulary?

Well, I'm no Guru, but I can recognise some mistakes. And we always have a dictionary! And an english speaking users from all of USA and Canada...
By the way - you haven't made a single mistake, so why should you worry so?
And - It's ok to make mistakes! We learn much on our own mistakes.
Please, everyone, if you catch me making one - correct me!

recognise = 1. узнавать
2. признавать
3. осознавать :-o :-)

single = 1. один; единственный
2. одиночный
(предназначенный для одного, например - кровать)
3. единый
4. холостой, одинокий. :-P

*LEO* 24.10.2005 16:14


Сообщение от Mice
Mariukas, please dont use sleng.

On the contrary!
We're learning to speak english, not to wright books in it. So it's ok to use everything you use in your speech.

And about the pronounciation - well, I bet there's a lot of audio lessons you can use.

And another thing: in Israel almost all of movies and TV programmes are in english with hebrew titles. So I, for example, often try to ignore the hebrew titles, just not looking on them. Trying to understand everything by myself. If I don't understand some phrase, I can always look down on the titles, and see what does it mean.

For all of you, that know english more or less - I suggest to put those titles away for a month. You'll see, that you're beginning to understand more and more with each movie! :lol:

On the contrary! - наоборот!
pronounciation (пронаунсэйшен - во!) - (произношение) :lol:
often - часто
phrase - фраза (хотя и так понятно)

refdr8 24.10.2005 16:19

Hi everybody! learning English is a very good idea! give me five friends.

refdr8 24.10.2005 16:23

What do you think about Murphy's grammar in use lessons here? i've got this book. step by step to a hill.

*LEO* 24.10.2005 16:23


Сообщение от renaissance
Some points of interest (not only mine).

How will we learn correct произношение?
На что мы будем опираться в нашем изучении, на классику либо на общеупотребимый вариант?

Glad you asked.
I guess it depends on what kind of english you want to learn.
And that's getting us to my favorite subject on that matter - books.

Reading books is the one and the only way to learn both classic english, and slang (so-called "slanguage"). It depends on the book.

For example - I honestly recomend a book by Sallenger "The catcher in the rye" ("Над пропастью во ржи").
It gives you a good deal of "street" language, and there is nothing wrong in a street language. You're actually understand it better than the one they use in most literature, it's great for learning.

Glad (глэд) - радоваться
depends (депендз)- зависит
matter (мэттеr) - вещество, материал, сущьность, предмет (обсуждения), дело; "what is the matter?" - "что случилось?"
honestly (онестли)- честно, искренне.("h" в начале слова почти не произносится)
use (юз)- использовать, употре*****. ( а так же: польза, обыкновение,цель, назначение)

*LEO* 24.10.2005 16:28

sasha21k, pusok, "Help me!" is good for drowning people shouting. :lol:

Please, specify, what do you need us to help you with?
How do you prefer to learn a new language (well, maybe not so new, but difficult :-D ).

I suggest you to talk to us a bit, to read us at least. It will definately help you.

if you have some particular question - ask me while I'm still here!..
(Joking - I'll always be here to help you. :wink: )

drowning (драунин) - тонуть, а так же топить. :lol: ;
сочетание букв "ng" произносится как "н" как бы через нос, нет явного "г".
shouting - (шаутин) - кричать; в некоторых случаях сочетание букв "ou" произносится как "ау".
specify - (спесифай) - точно определять.
prefer- (пrефёr) - предпочитать

*LEO* 24.10.2005 16:31


Сообщение от refdr8
What do you think about Murphy's grammar in use lessons here? i've got this book. step by step to a hill.

Sorry, man, don't know what is Murphy's grammar. Learned mine at school. Maybe it's the reason why it's so poor. :lol:

You've got this book - would you recomend it yourself?


mine (майн) - абсолютная форма, не употре***** атрибутивно!
мой, принадлежащий мне.
Обратите внимание на это:
Есть так же:
mine - мина, и mine - рудник, копи;
(например, "Moria mines" во "Властелине колец", помните, где Гэндальф "сгинул"?)

И пишется и произносится одинаково.
Как различить? По контексту.

renaissance 24.10.2005 16:45

practice, practice and one more time practice!!!!
In practice we'll win, in practice we'll survive!!

What about some lessons?..

*LEO* 24.10.2005 16:50


Сообщение от renaissance
What about some lessons?..

No problem! Come by! :lol:

How do you imagine a lesson on the net? :mrgreen:
I'll be glad to help you. I just don't know how :cry:

But I'll try anyway, that's what I'm here for, am I?

sasha21k 24.10.2005 16:59

It was just a joke :-D cause when somebody says: Let's speak english! -it brings to my mind the phrase of Danila Bagrov from really good movie Brat 2

*LEO* 24.10.2005 17:02

sasha21k, Yeah, I remember. :lol: Great movie, great scene. :|

*LEO* 24.10.2005 17:08

Guys, about audio lessons - here is one link I found in the topic near by.
Учим английский

angelao 24.10.2005 18:01

курс английского языка-Learn english!

angelao 24.10.2005 18:07

английский для всех - study english

rocky_chart 24.10.2005 18:48

It is realy big idea to start speak English!!
I want join you in our English speakers club.
It will be very interesting!!

Mariukas 24.10.2005 21:46


Сообщение от sasha21k
It was just a joke :-D cause when somebody says: Let's speak english! -it brings to my mind the phrase of Danila Bagrov from really good movie Brat 2

I have a special DVD edition with the english titles. :lol:

Mariukas 24.10.2005 21:47


Сообщение от rocky_chart
It is realy big idea to start speak English!!
I want join you in our English speakers club.
It will be very interesting!!

You are welcome dear! :wink:

believer 24.10.2005 22:29

Vielleicht konnen wir auch Deutsch sprechen?
it was stuped joke, but idea itself very good!
i learnt in school only german, so will read all here for additional education!

MeN 25.10.2005 00:23

omfg..... :x

leon125 25.10.2005 03:28


Vielleicht konnen wir auch Deutsch sprechen?
Its ok, if you or anybody who can speak german and have some time, we can open german topic -

"Lets speak German"! or "SPRECHEN WIR DEUTCH!" :-)

*LEO* 25.10.2005 07:51

believer, rocky_chart, wellcome!!!
leon125, Good idea. :wink:

*LEO* 25.10.2005 08:16

Here's some intertanement for you all.
An English joke.

A small pub in England.

It's nearly midnight, several custommers are almost asleep by the bar.
A fat bartender is cleaning glasses...

Suddenly, a pink horse is coming to the pub. It's getting up the wall, passing through the ceiling, coming down on another wall, takes a seat near the bar, and says to a bartender:
- Double whiskey. And a lemon.

The bartender - totally shocked - is going to fill the order. Another custommer's whispering to him:
- My god! Did you see this?!

- Yeah, stange thing, hey?.. Never seen anyone drinking whiskey with lemon before...


through (thру) -
1. указывает на пространственные отношения - через, сквозь;
2. указывает на временные отношения - в течение, в продолжения (например - всю ночь: through the night).
Есть еще значения, но пока не буду вас грузить :mrgreen:

ceiling (силин) - (Помните сочетание "ng"?) - потолок, перекрытие, максимальная цена, предельная высота.

whispering - глагол от "whisper" (уиспеr) - шепот, шепчет.

*LEO* 25.10.2005 08:18


Сообщение от MeN
omfg..... :x

MeN, Sorry, what was that?

rocky_chart 25.10.2005 10:59

good joke!
i want few more . please!!!

believer 25.10.2005 11:03

very good example of british humor!

leon125 25.10.2005 11:11

rocky_chart, may be you can tell to us your joke! :wink:

leon125 25.10.2005 11:27

Everyone who want to train the pronunciation, can come here and try to say it three times! :wink:

Mariukas 25.10.2005 11:29

Have You contact Mike?

leon125 25.10.2005 12:41

off top
Mariukas, I called to him two times 4 days ago , but phone has been switched off, i call him tomorrow!

HappyW 25.10.2005 12:54

Hey! I understood this joke! :lol:

*LEO* 25.10.2005 13:10


Сообщение от rocky_chart
good joke!
i want few more . please!!!

По просьбам, так скать, телезрителей :lol:
Here's another one:

A cowboy is riding through the desert.
He's riding a horse, and a dog is running after him, tied to a sattle.

They're riding for a day.. Two days... Three days... Fourth day is coming, and they're still riding with almost no water and no food, and no rest, and the sun is getting hotter and hotter...

Suddenly, the horse stops. Turnes it's head to the cowboy, and says:
- Can we rest already?! I'm getting tired here!
Cowboy - astonished - says:
- I've never seen a horse talking like human!..
Dog answers grimly:
- Yeah, neither did I...

HappyW 25.10.2005 13:30


Сообщение от butterfly,
Dog answers grimly:
- Yeah, neither did I...
Can you translate this?

*LEO* 25.10.2005 13:37

Собака мрачно говорит:
"И я тоже"

*LEO* 25.10.2005 13:41

HappyW, А какое слово было непонятно? Потому что я не дословно перевела.

Mice 25.10.2005 13:49


А какое слово было непонятно?

Mariukas 25.10.2005 13:51


Сообщение от leon125
off top
Mariukas, I called to him two times 4 days ago , but phone has been switched off, i call him tomorrow!

Well, he was on vacation, so call him again tomorrow. :lol:

Mihaluch 25.10.2005 13:55

Wassup people=)
One more fun joke in style like first butterfly's.

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are going camping.They pitch their tent under the stars and go to sleep.Sometime in the middle of the night,Holmes wakes Watson up.
-Watson,look up the stars,and tell me what you deduce?
-I see millions of stars,if there are millions of stars,and if even a few of those have planets,its quite likely there are some planets like Earth;and if there are a few planets like Earth out there,there might also be life.
-Watson,you idiot,somebody stole our tent!


MeN, Sorry, what was that?
I can translate it,if you wish of course=).

*LEO* 25.10.2005 14:04


Сообщение от Mice
butterfly, "neither".

Mice, Вдруг поняла, что слово понимаю, а перевести сложно :lol:
Цитирую со словаря:

neither- 1. в функции сущ - "ни один" (из двух)
2. в функции прил. - "ни тот ни другой"
3. в функции нареч. - "также не..."
Наш случай - третий :-D
Можно было б сказать "So did I", но это было б неправильно, т.к. ковбой-то ни разу НЕ видел говорящую лошадь...

Understood? :lol:

*LEO* 25.10.2005 14:05

Mihaluch, Good one! It actually sounds better in English than in Russian :-D

*LEO* 25.10.2005 14:06


Сообщение от Mihaluch

I can translate it,if you wish of course=).

And - yes, I would like a translation, please :lol:

leon125 25.10.2005 14:11

Mihaluch, its so funny! :lol:
Mariukas, ok!

MeN 25.10.2005 14:12

Russia is great country!
The Sun is Shining!

Mihaluch 25.10.2005 14:15


And - yes, I would like a translation, please
Heh,i will try without breaking the forum rules=).
In my opinion,it sounds like "Oh My ... God".The missed word is an adjective of the most known verb in english language=).

Mihaluch 25.10.2005 14:16

MeN,install BF2 already!

MeN 25.10.2005 14:16


Сообщение от butterfly
And - yes, I would like a translation, please :lol:

I don't think that this is a good idea :x

*LEO* 25.10.2005 14:21

Mihaluch, I just love your avatar! :|

Another thing: It may sound stupid, but what's BF2? :?

*LEO* 25.10.2005 14:23


Сообщение от MeN
I don't think that this is a good idea :x

Oh my God!!! Wow! You can talk! :mrgreen:
And I can understand you. :-P Don't you give me this "bhmplrt" thingy again, ok?

You should be a regular guest here, with your english Bagrut exams coming and all... :wink:

laliuzzs 25.10.2005 14:39

*Первый урок, английский для начинающих: *

/"Три ведьмы разглядывают трое часов "Свотч". Какая из ведьм
разглядывает какие часы?" /
Теперь по английски!
/Three witches watch three swatch watches. Which witch watches which
swatch watch?/

*Второй урок, английский для продвинутых учеников: *
/"Три ведьмы-трансвеститки разглядывают три кнопочки на часах "Свотч". Какая из ведьм-трансвеститок разглядывает какую кнопочку на часах "Свотч"?"/
Теперь по английски !
/Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watches which Swatch watch switch?/

*Третий и последний урок, английский для абсолютных профессионалов: *
/"Три швейцарских ведьмы-сучки, желающих изменить свой пол,
разглядывают три кнопочки на часах "Свотч". Какая из швейцарских
ведьм-сучек, желающих изменить свой пол, разглядывает какую кнопочку
на часах "Свотч"?"/
Теперь по английски!
/Three swiss witch-bitches, which wished to be switched swiss
witch-bitches, watch three swiss Swatch watch switches. Which swiss
witch-bitch, which wishes to be a switched swiss witch-bitch, wishes
to watch which swiss Swatch watch switch?/

*LEO* 25.10.2005 14:42

laliuzzs, :lol: :lol: That was HUGE!!! :lol: :lol:

MeN 25.10.2005 14:47

Mihaluch, Nope.... i Deleted it kiebenemat :twisted: :x

butterfly, I hate the lesson's teacher's and all что связанно со school!!!!

*LEO* 25.10.2005 15:03


Сообщение от MeN

butterfly, I hate the lesson's teacher's and all что связанно со school!!!!

1." Lesson's teacher's" - I really hope you won't write this on your exam, 8O because it's wrong. :wink: I don't know what EXACTLY you ment to say, so I won't try to correct it.

2. I know, that you hate everything that connected to school.
But I know that you like everything that connected to Forum! :lol:

Сочетай приятное с полезным!!!

Baks 25.10.2005 15:12

Wow, how many interesting people was here. It's wonderful.
And most respect butterfly, what she doing in this topic. Good luck :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

если что ни так написал, можете меня исправить, на ошибках учатся

*LEO* 25.10.2005 15:22

Baks, You've asked for it! :-P

Wow, how many interesting people were here. It's wonderful.
And most respect to butterfly, for what she is doing in this topic. Good luck. :lol:

Thanks for your kind words!!! Hope to see you here all the time. :wink:

Baks 25.10.2005 15:23

ok :lol:

Mariukas 25.10.2005 19:36


Сообщение от laliuzzs
*Первый урок, английский для начинающих: *

/"Три ведьмы разглядывают трое часов "Свотч". Какая из ведьм
разглядывает какие часы?" /
Теперь по английски!
/Three witches watch three swatch watches. Which witch watches which
swatch watch?/

*Второй урок, английский для продвинутых учеников: *
/"Три ведьмы-трансвеститки разглядывают три кнопочки на часах "Свотч". Какая из ведьм-трансвеститок разглядывает какую кнопочку на часах "Свотч"?"/
Теперь по английски !
/Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watches which Swatch watch switch?/

*Третий и последний урок, английский для абсолютных профессионалов: *
/"Три швейцарских ведьмы-сучки, желающих изменить свой пол,
разглядывают три кнопочки на часах "Свотч". Какая из швейцарских
ведьм-сучек, желающих изменить свой пол, разглядывает какую кнопочку
на часах "Свотч"?"/
Теперь по английски!
/Three swiss witch-bitches, which wished to be switched swiss
witch-bitches, watch three swiss Swatch watch switches. Which swiss
witch-bitch, which wishes to be a switched swiss witch-bitch, wishes
to watch which swiss Swatch watch switch?/

Thanks for the good idea, I will use it in my negotiations with the suppliers... :lol:

Mariukas 25.10.2005 19:44

A man and a friend are playing golf one day at their local golf course. One of the guys is about to chip onto the green when he sees a long funeral procession on the road next to the course. He stops in mid-swing, takes off his golf cap, closes his eyes,and bows down in prayer. His friend says: “Wow, that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen. You truly are a kind man. The man then replies: “Yeah, well we were married 35 years. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mariukas 25.10.2005 19:48

I like this one as well:
One day a guy goes to his doctor and says, "Doc I have these real bad headaches. What should I do?"
The doctor replies, "Well, to get rid of my headaches I just have sex with my wife" They both laugh.........
A week later the patient returns. The doctor asks, "How are you feeling?"
The patient smiles and replies "You were right! I feel so much better. And, by the way, Doc, you have a lovly home!

Flik 25.10.2005 21:21


Сообщение от Mariukas
I like this one as well:
One day a guy goes to his doctor and says, "Doc I have these real bad headaches. What should I do?"
The doctor replies, "Well, to get rid of my headaches I just have sex with my wife" They both laugh.........
A week later the patient returns. The doctor asks, "How are you feeling?"
The patient smiles and replies "You were right! I feel so much better. And, by the way, Doc, you have a lovly home!

:lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

Vesna 25.10.2005 21:48


Сообщение от refdr8
What do you think about Murphy's grammar in use lessons here? i've got this book. step by step to a hill.

I think it's a very good book!

NightSpirit 25.10.2005 22:04

Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches.
Which switched witch watches which Swatch watch switch? :lol: :lol: :lol:

*LEO* 26.10.2005 05:47

Mariukas, Great jokes! :mrgreen:
I must start writing those down. :idea: It's a shame to forget all the good stuff...

And I'll try to find you some more of those, I see it's a fun way to learn English also.

Though it's strange, that nobody asked for a translation... :? yet... :lol:

Mariukas 26.10.2005 05:52

Yet..... :lol:

terkin 26.10.2005 06:42

Hey guys! i want to share with you one joke. Its in english but its not english! Its called marshallese joke.

Once upon a time,
there was a Marshallese lived with the Indians.
One morning, the Marshallese complain.
He said, " hey chief, I am hungry."
The chief said, "Okay Marshallese, I will go hunt for food."

Early in the moring, the chief went hunting.
He came back with a rabbit.
The Marshallese was so excited he said, "hey chief, how did you do that?"
The chief replied, " Me see track, me follow track, BOOM! Me got Rabbit."
The Marshallese said, " Whoa."

The next day the Marshallese was complaining again.
And the chief went hunt again..
He came back with a deer.
The Marshallese was so excited he said, "hey chief, how did you do that?"
The chief replied, "as I told you, me see track, me follow track, BOOM! Me got Deer."
The Marshallese said, "tomorrow is my turn.." And the chief said, "Okay!"

Early the next morning, the Marshallese woke up and told the chief, "remembered, today is
my turn." And the chief said, "take my bow and arrow. They are my good, good, good luck
from my great-grantPa n remember what I said to you."
The Marshallese said, "Okay, don't worry. I won't let you down."

The Marshallese left to do his job(hunt).
After a moment, he came back but he was in bad condition. All his body was broken and he
was crawling.
The chief asked, "what happened Marshallese?"
The Marshallese replied, "as you told me, me see track, me follow track, BOOM, me got hit
by train.

the marshallese thought the tracks the chief was talking about were tracks of a train...
How sad for the Marshallese....

If you need help with translation! tell me :)

Mariukas 26.10.2005 08:26

Patient walks into the doctors.

Doc: Hiya, I havent seen you in ages!
Pat: Yeh, I've been ill :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mariukas 26.10.2005 08:32

A bear walked into a bar and sat down. He banged on the bar with his paw and demanded a beer. The bartender approached and said, "We don't serve beer to bears in bars in Billings, Montana."
The bear, becoming angry, once again demanded a beer.
The bartender again told him, "We don't serve beer to bears in bars in Billings, Montana."
The bear, very angry now, said, "If you don't serve me a beer, I'm going to eat that lady sitting at the end of the bar."
The bartender once again said, "Sorry, we don't serve beer to bears in bars in Billings Montana."
The bear went to the end of the bar and, as he had promised, ate the woman. He came back to his seat, and again demanded a beer.
The bartender said, "Sorry, we don't serve beer to bears in bars in Billings, Montana, that are on drugs."
The bear said, " I'm not on drugs." The bartender said, "Yes you are. That was a bar bitch you ate"

Mariukas 26.10.2005 08:46

Maria is a devout Catholic. She gets married and has 17 children. Then her
husband dies. She remarries two weeks later, and has 22 children by her next
husband. Then he dies. A while later, she dies.
At the funeral, the priest looks skyward and says, "At last they're finally
A guy sitting in the front row says, "Excuse me Father, but do you
mean her and her first husband, or her and her second husband?"
"I mean her legs!"

And here is another one!

What did Bill Gates' wife say to him on their wedding night?

"Now I know why you named your company Microsoft!" :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Mariukas 26.10.2005 08:49

After his annual checkup, Bob is shocked to learn that he has somehow
contracted a rare disease and has only twelve hours to live. Arriving home in
utter despair, he tells his wife the terrible news and begins to cry. Overcome
with grief, Helen hugs him tight and says, "Honey, I'm going to give you a night
you'll never forget!"
They go to bed early and make passionate lov with an ardor they haven't felt in years. When they're done, Bob turns to his wife and says, "Honey, that was
*wonderful,* the best we've ever had. Can we do it again?" This time it's even
more passionate. Later, as Helen is about to doze off, Bob gives her a nudge and
says, "Honey, come on. How about one more time?"
"That's easy for you to say. You don't have to get up in the morning!" :1:

Flik 26.10.2005 08:50


Maria is a devout Catholic. She gets married and has 17 children. Then her
husband dies. She remarries two weeks later, and has 22 children by her next
husband. Then he dies. A while later, she dies.
At the funeral, the priest looks skyward and says, "At last they're finally
A guy sitting in the front row says, "Excuse me Father, but do you
mean her and her first husband, or her and her second husband?"
"I mean her legs!"
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Flik 26.10.2005 08:59

What did Bill Gates' wife say to him on their wedding night?

"Now I know why you named your company Microsoft!"

It is very dangerous for you. :mrgreen: Today Mr.Bill Gates is in Tel Aviv and will have Summit talks. :wink:

Flik 26.10.2005 09:04


Сообщение от Mariukas
After his annual checkup, Bob is shocked to learn that he has somehow
contracted a rare disease and has only twelve hours to live. Arriving home in
utter despair, he tells his wife the terrible news and begins to cry. Overcome
with grief, Helen hugs him tight and says, "Honey, I'm going to give you a night
you'll never forget!"
They go to bed early and make passionate lov with an ardor they haven't felt in years. When they're done, Bob turns to his wife and says, "Honey, that was
*wonderful,* the best we've ever had. Can we do it again?" This time it's even
more passionate. Later, as Helen is about to doze off, Bob gives her a nudge and
says, "Honey, come on. How about one more time?"
"That's easy for you to say. You don't have to get up in the morning!" :1:

Excellently! :wink:

Mariukas 26.10.2005 09:17


Сообщение от Flik
What did Bill Gates' wife say to him on their wedding night?

"Now I know why you named your company Microsoft!"

It is very dangerous for you. :mrgreen: Today Mr.Bill Gates is in Tel Aviv and will have Summit talks. :wink:

I am not sure, because not me told that..... :wink:

Mariukas 26.10.2005 10:25

Another one!

A guy took his blonde girlfriend to the movies. During the pre-views, she
asked him if he would go and buy her some M & Ms. When he returned with her
candy, she opened the bag, picked out all the brown ones and threw them away.
"What did you do that for?" he asked her. "I'm allergic to chocolate!" she replied.

Mariukas 26.10.2005 12:06

A young girl asked her mother the age-old question, "How did I get here?" Her
mother told her, "God sent you."
Did God send you, too?" asked the child.
"Yes, Dear," the mother replied.
"What about Grandma and Grandpa?" the child persisted.
He sent them also," the mother said.
"Did he send their parents, too?" asked the child.
"Yes, Dear, He did," said the mother patiently.
So you're telling me that there has been no sex in this family for 200 years!
No wonder everyone's so grouchy around here."

barbakum 26.10.2005 12:19

The European Union commissioners have announced that agreement has been reached to adopt English as the preferred language for European communications, rather than German, which was the other possibility.

As part of the negotiations, the British government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a five-year phased plan for what will be known as EuroEnglish (Euro for

In the first year, "s" will be used instead of the soft "c". Sertainly, sivil servants will resieve this news with joy. Also, the hard "c" will be replaced with "k". Not only will this klear up konfusion, but typewriters kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced by "f". This will make words like "fotograf" 20 per sent shorter.

In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. Governments will enkorage the removal of double letters, which have
always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of silent "e"s in the languag is disgrasful, and they would go.

By the fourth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" by "z" and "w" by " v".

During ze fifz year, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou", and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters.

After zis fifz yer, ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubls or difikultis and evrivun vil find it izi tu understand ich ozer. Ze drim vil finali kum tru.

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